Saturday, August 1, 2009

Second SIGHT of Life

Prenatal time! While most of the Philippines or some of the people around the world are shocked at the news of Cory Aquino's death, we on the other hand are somewhat anxious by what the Doctor says. The Doctor calmly says, she cannot hear the Baby's heart beat. Wow! that statement is definitely NOT in the Good-News category (How come she's so good at delivering Bad News?), not so pleasing in the ear for one and that causes my heart to pound loud, too load that I can hear it -- it's almost deafening.

The Doc demands an Ultrasound, lucky I have some spare pesos to burn. So I reach out for my wallet and counted the bills. Well, well just a little more than enough so I head down the Cashier and pay for the service and we waited in line. We were next in line so it did not really took us awhile to wait for our turn.

And there inside the room, just as that little apparatus is moving up, down and around my girl's tummy I can see my Baby moving. It's alive! it's not kicking but it's alive! We can very much hear the Baby's heartbeat. And from the sound of it, the Doc says the Baby is healthy. Whew! What a relief.

Below are the Screen Shots of the Ultrasound. Just Click to enlarge.

1 comment:

  1. congratz! congratz daddiieeee!!! :) post some more entries ΓΌ take care of the baby..
