Sunday, May 11, 2008

you really think so?

This goes out to that LOSER who calls me a LOSER. Hahaha! You really convinced that I'm hurting? Hehehe, no matter how obvious I tried it to be you don't seem to get it, don't you?
I thought you're smart as you claim to be. I'm just playing dude, I faked it, that explains the OA reactions. I exaggerated my so called hurting-phase im going through. Actually I'm not hurting, the only ill feeling I got was anger, but that was in the beginning but then I realize I'm in control of the situation I found a way to exploit the situation.

How can I truly be hurting? While it is true that you are her present the fact remains that I'm her past, the fact also remains that I have already fucked her. Though I've given you both my word that I'm not gonna release out our little sizzling video, but if you keep on pushing me, I will not hesitate to change my mind. What's constant is change anyway, hehehe. So don't push me 'cause I'm close to the edge. And when that happens, I can see a lot of people laughing, and I bet you will not be one of them. And please don't brag about your performance in bed, 'cause you don't even have half my sexual prowess and I have audio-visual to back-up my claim.

You said I'm sorry 'cause she chose you and you two are going to get married. Wow! I love to see that. Know what? I'm only sorry if I will not live to see that, be sure to invite me, 'cause that would be a great opportunity to have good laugh. hahaha! pathetic!

Do your self a favor, stop communicating your insecurities to me. I don't want her back, I just wanna be friends with her. Besides I DON'T WANNA DIP MY HOTDOG TO A PUBLIC SAUCE anymore, especially NOT with you. Your desperate effort of wanting to hurt my feelings don't work, it only comes back to you 'cause you have and you are nothing against me.

Now tell me who is the real loser? You might want to re-assess your judgement my friend.


  1. whaaat's this?
    who is HE/she/it anyway?
    just make sure he/she/it got to read this baby.
    you'll be defeating the purpose of doing so if you won't..
    ciao :)

  2. oh, man. i just understand everything. yah, you lost nothing; and no reason to get yourself drown in tears anyway. shall i call him/her, "poor ass"? Kidding!

    take care. mwuah!
